Re: Balancing Video in Post-Media Stategies
In a time when the rush for so-called digital transformation dictates the strategic direction of most brands and agencies alike, a critical question arises: Are we investing our media budget in the right places? Kantar’s insightful data reveals a striking imbalance in the realm of video viewership and advertising investment, suggesting we are probably not.
A Reality Check
Kantar Media Cross Platform View tells a story that conflicts with agency reccomendations
The allure of digital platforms is undeniable. Their granular targeting capabilities, sophisticated analytics, and interactive ad formats offer irresistible opportunities for brands to engage with audiences. However, data suggests that this digital infatuation may have led to a disproportionate allocation of video resources, overshadowing the enduring relevance of linear TV in consumers’ lives.
TV: Reviled by digital specialists
Linear TV continues to be a powerhouse of audience reach and engagement. Despite the growing popularity of streaming services, traditional TV remains a staple in most households. Its ability to deliver mass reach and the trust and credibility associated with established TV networks make it a valuable medium for brand building and storytelling.
Consolidated video figures from the main industry audience measurement specialist, Kantar, suggest that over-specialised digital thinking is fundamentally wrong.
Post-Digital Thinking: Bridging the Gap
The concept of post-digital thinking emerges as a solution to this and many other imbalances. It urges the industry, dominated by the safety net of quantifying small things, to move beyond this dangerous monolithic thinking where their own Unconscious Bias is at the core of the uninformed judgments and assessments of the role of media channels in people's lives. Data suggests that the lack of knowledge about TV, radio, magazines, and everything else “old” should be a significant concern for many agencies and clients alike.
We must reevaluate our role in serving consumers whose behaviour is unlike ours. This will ensure that investment is aligned with the potential of each medium and with actual, quantified audience behaviour and preference insights based on credible, unbiased research.
Back in the days when I worked at Motive in London, we used to say “Beware of the Soho syndrome; the rest of Europe is very different to us working in media.”
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